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Sequencing Setup: Autobound’s Salesloft Integration
Sequencing Setup: Autobound’s Salesloft Integration

Learn how to Leverage Autobound's Sequencing Integration with Salesloft

Kyle Schuster avatar
Written by Kyle Schuster
Updated this week


Autobound's integration with Salesloft allows you to enhance your sales cadences with AI-driven personalization. This powerful combination enables you to leverage Autobound's content generation capabilities within your existing Salesloft workflow, significantly improving the effectiveness of your outreach efforts.

1. Getting Started: Authenticating Autobound to Salesloft

To begin using Autobound's sequencing capabilities with Salesloft:

  1. Log in to your Autobound account.

  2. Navigate to the Settings section.

  3. Look for the Salesloft integration option.

  4. Click on "Connect" or "Authenticate" next to Salesloft.

  5. Follow the prompts to log in to your Salesloft account and authorize the connection.

Important: A Salesloft admin needs to be authenticated with both Autobound and Salesloft. When they authenticate, a set of custom fields are created in Salesloft that enable the functionality to work.

Once authenticated, Autobound will be able to access your Salesloft cadences and enhance them with AI-powered personalization.

2. Creating a Cadence

To create a new AI-enhanced cadence using Autobound and Salesloft:

  • Go to Autobound's sequence page.

  • Click on "Create new AI sequence".

  • Select an existing Salesloft cadence to clone and personalize.

    • Autobound will use the content in your cadence templates as a basis for writing personalized emails.

Important note: If you have instructions in your templates that were meant for a human to review, consider how an AI might handle them. You may want to replace them with instructions for an AI. Keep reading to learn more.

  • Choose which steps of the cadence you want Autobound to personalize:

    • For each step you want to personalize, click the "Personalize with AI" button on the right side of the step.

    • Autobound will replace template messages with dynamically generated, personalized content for the steps you've selected.

  • Set your content review preferences:

    • First, decide whether you want the AI-generated content to be reviewed at all.

    • If you choose to review, select whether to review in Autobound's web app or directly in Salesloft.

    • You can set this preference: a) When creating the cadence at the top of the page b) In the cadence settings c) After you've created the cadence

    • Note: This step is required to save

Content Review Options:

Option 1: "Direct Push OFF: Generate and edit content in Autobound UI before pushing to sequence.

  • Generated content is held in Autobound for review before adding prospects to the cadence.

  • This allows you to check and edit emails within Autobound's interface prior to adding to the cadence. Learn more more about this here.

  • Benefits (available after prospects are added and content is generated):

    • You can chat with Autobound to refine the outputs (e.g., make them shorter, more casual, longer).

    • You can regenerate content and reselect insights used.

    • You can review all emails in a cadence at once, streamlining your workflow. This is particularly beneficial when emailing multiple prospects at the same company, as edits you make for one prospect can easily be copied to other prospects before approving the cadence.

    • Autobound's UI overlays within Salesloft and Salesforce, so if you add prospects from those systems, you can approve everything without ever leaving the browser tab you're on.

  • Important: If you review in Autobound, it doesn't make sense to review again in Salesloft. Therefore, any emails Autobound is personalizing should be set as "automated" emails in Salesloft instead of manual. Otherwise, reps will be tasked to review the emails again when the task comes up in Salesloft according to the cadence structure.

Option 2: "Direct Push ON: Generate and send to sequence without reviewing content in Autobound UI"

  • Prospects are added to the cadence immediately after content generates, without review in Autobound’s UI.

  • For Salesloft users with manual email steps, content can still be reviewed in Salesloft before sending.

  • Warning: With automated email steps, emails will send without review.

  • Benefits:

    • Maintains your existing Salesloft workflow.

    • Content is pushed directly to Salesloft after generation so you don’t have to work within multiple UI’s

  • Note: In this case, you may want to keep the email steps as "manual" in Salesloft to allow for review before sending.

What to Expect When Saving Cadences:

  • After creating your new Autobound enabled Salesloft cadence, Autobound will create a new cadence in Salesloft labeled "Autobound:..." followed by the name of your existing cadence.

  • Any step you asked Autobound to personalize will look different in Salesloft than your previous templates.

  • You'll see subject lines and the body of the emails replaced with {{autoboundCustomField}} variables.

  • Autobound will dynamically populate these custom variables with unique content for each prospect based on what was generated and approved by the user (or automatically if Direct Push is ON).

Important Notes on Cadence Creation:

  • Users need permission to create team cadences, as all cadences are created as team cadences and should not be made private.

  • After creating a cadence, you can edit the foundational templates powering it by clicking back into the cadence.

  • It's highly recommended to click into one of the steps Autobound is supposed to personalize and check the Tips section on the right-hand side. This section provides guidance and examples, as well as a video which you can watch directly within the interface. These tips will teach you how to use advanced instruction prompting using [square brackets] within the template. More details can be found in the Advanced Sequencing Strategies article. You can also learn more by watching this video.

3. Adding Prospects to a Cadence

There are multiple methods to add prospects to your AI-enhanced cadences. For all these methods, the prospects need to be already in Salesloft.

Option 1: Using the AI Sequence Button (Preferred way) (requires Autobound Chrome extension)

You can add prospects to an AI-enhanced cadence in the following ways:

a) For a single prospect:

  • Go to the contact profile in Salesloft or within Salesforce using the Salesloft Chrome extension.

  • You'll see a blue "AI Sequence" button above the Salesloft "Add to Cadence" button.

  • Click the "AI Sequence" button to add this prospect to a cadence.

b) For multiple prospects:

  • Go to the Contacts page in Salesloft.

  • Select the prospects you want to add to a cadence.

  • You'll see the AI Sequence button next to the Cadence button.

  • Click the "AI Sequence" button to add these prospects to a cadence.

c) When importing prospects from Salesforce into Salesloft:

  • Select the prospects you want to import from Salesforce and click import

  • You’ll have the option to Finish import or Finish import and add to cadence. Click Finish import

  • You’ll now be on the “People” page in Salesloft where you can select the prospects you want to sequence. Select them.

  • You'll see the AI Sequence button next to the Cadence button.

  • Click the "AI Sequence" button to add these prospects to a cadence.

After clicking the "AI Sequence" button (for any of the above methods):

  1. Choose the cadence you want to add the prospect(s) to.

  2. You'll be presented with options to select your value prop, use sales assets, choose writing style, language, and word count.

    • Note: If selecting multiple prospects, consider using AI to choose the value props and sales assets, as it will use the best one based on the information available.

  3. Click "Generate Content".

  4. Depending on your manual review settings:

    • If Direct Push is Off, you'll need to approve the content on the next screen.

    • If Direct Push is ON, the content will be pushed into Salesloft once generated.

For a detailed overview of this flow, read this article - Sequencing workflow: Salesforce + Salesloft

Option 2: Adding Prospects Directly in Salesloft

  1. This method requires a Salesloft admin to be authenticated in the user's account.

  2. Add prospects to cadences normally through Salesloft.

  3. As long as you add them to an Autobound-connected cadence and an admin is connected, Autobound will receive the signal and begin content generation.

  4. What happens next depends on your content review settings for that specific cadence.

    • If Direct Push OFF

      1. Autobound will automatically remove the prospect from the cadence once it is added.

      2. Autobound will begin content generation, which may take 15 to 60 seconds depending on how many AI-generated emails are required to be produced in the cadence.

      3. You'll need to approve the content in Autobound's UI.

      4. Once you approve the content, You’ll no longer be able to edit the emails that will go out. Make sure you’re satisfied with the email content before approving

Read more about Direct Push ON/OFF in the section below titled “Approving and Sending Content

  1. If Direct push review is On:

    • Autobound will still remove the prospect from the cadence and then re-add them once content is done generating.

    • The user does not need to approve it in Autobound's UI before the prospect gets re-added.

    • If you have tasks or other types of activities at the beginning of your cadence, you may never notice this workflow because by the time you're reaching an Autobound email, content will be done generating.

Read more about Direct Push ON/OFF in the section below titled “Approving and Sending Content

Option 3: Using Third-Party Prospecting Tools

  1. Use tools like Apollo, ZoomInfo, Lusha, or similar platforms that allow you to add prospects directly to Salesloft cadences.

  2. This is typically done from Sales Navigator or LinkedIn.

  3. Similar to Option 2, this requires a Salesloft admin to be authenticated for Autobound to get the signal.

  4. The workflow after adding prospects is the same as described in Option 2, depending on your manual review settings.

For a detailed overview of this flow, read this article - Sequencing workflow: Zoominfo/Apollo/lusha/Something similar + Salesloft

Option 4: Using the Autobound Chrome Extension for Individual Prospects

  1. Open the Autobound Chrome extension for a specific prospect.

  2. Select “Sequence”

  3. Choose the sequence you want to add them to.

4. Approving and Sending Content

The approval and sending process depends on your chosen review settings:

If your sequence content review setting is: Direct Push OFF: Generate and edit content in Autobound UI before pushing to sequence:

  1. Review AI-generated content in Autobound's interface.

  2. Edit content for individual prospects as needed.

  3. Approve prospects individually or in bulk.

  4. Address any failed prospects (those for whom content couldn't be generated).

  5. Click “Add prospect to sequence” This will add the prospect to the cadence in salesloft and push the content you approved through Salesloft.

Check this video below for more details:

You can always access the prospects awaiting your review from within the Autobounds web app at like you see below.

If your sequence content review setting is: "Direct Push ON: Generate and send to sequence without reviewing content in Autobound UI"

Autobound automatically sends contacts and content to Salesloft when generation is complete.

For manual email steps in Salesloft: Review content within Salesloft before sending.

For automated email steps: Emails will be sent automatically without human review.

Check this video below to watch the entire flow:

5. Content Editing, Regeneration, and Handling Missing Details

After content is generated, Autobound provides several options to refine and improve your emails:

Chatting with Autobound for Content Editing

Users have the option to chat with Autobound to edit the generated content. This feature allows for quick adjustments and refinements based on your specific needs.

Regenerating Content

If you're not satisfied with the initial output, you can regenerate the content. When regenerating, you have the option to:

  1. Reselect the insights used to generate the content

  2. Adjust the persona and value proposition

  3. Modify sales assets

  4. Change the writing style

  5. Add additional information for the AI to leverage

You can choose to regenerate either:

  • The email you're currently viewing

  • All emails in the sequence

Handling Missing Prospect Details

Sometimes, when adding prospects to a sequence, Autobound may warn you about missing prospect details. To ensure the highest quality output:

  1. Look for warning signs next to the prospects or the "Add Missing Details" button.

  2. Add the missing details as prompted.

  3. Regenerate the content to incorporate the new information.

Tips for Maximizing Autobound Sequencing with Salesloft

  • Regularly update your Salesloft templates to ensure Autobound has the most current information to work with.

  • Experiment with different levels of personalization to find the right balance for your audience.

  • Use Autobound's analytics to track the performance of your AI-enhanced cadences and refine your approach over time.


  • If prospects aren't generating content, check the "failed" section in Autobound to see why and address any issues.

  • For empty variables in Salesloft, allow a brief delay for Autobound to generate and fill content automatically.

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